What does the word BREV mean?

May 2024 · 1 minute read

-brev- comes from Latin, where it has themeaning “short. ” This meaning is found in suchwords as: abbreviate, abridge, brevity, brief.Click to see full answer. In respect to this, what does BREV stand for? Business Retention and Expansion Visitation Additionally, what words have BREV in them? 7 letter words containing brev brevity. brevier. brevets. brevard. brevium. breviea. Likewise, what does the prefix BREV mean? Definition & Meaning: Brev RootWord Brevity, the concise use of words in writing or speech,also represents shortness of time. The word root brev comesfrom Latin “brevi” meaning“short”.What word comes from the Latin word brevis?3. Etymology: the -brev- in abbreviate, abbreviates,etc. came from Latin brevis, meaning “short”, which is alsothe source of the word brief; therefore, abbreviate means”to make briefer, to make shorter” by combining or omittingelements of the contents of a verbal or a writtenmessage.
