Billions of Google users warned to avoid typing 'two phrases' or risk cash stealing nightmare

May 2024 · 2 minute read

SECURITY experts have flagged two websites as major scams and you need to avoid searching for them.

Whether you use Google or another search engine, there are two phrases you should avoid typing.

The phrases are "Ackbitshop" and "Patever Warehouse".

Both lead to scam shopping websites that will try and steal your details and your money, according to TrendMirco.

Experts of cybersecurity software company TrendMicro claim the websites raise several red flags.

When it comes to Ackbitshop, they explained: "To begin with, the parent company of this online store, “SAYHI INTERNATIONAL CO”, is also behind several scam and/or suspicious websites, such as Hosarcuv, Anlyoanarn, Cjbwerv, and Uselarge.


"This is our first major red flag."

They also pointed out suspiciously high discounts, no reviews and no contact number as signs that should raise alarm bells.

With regards to the Patever Warehouse website, the experts were more damning.

They wrote: "The answer is a resounding yes.

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"Patever Warehouse (patever[.]store) is a confirmed scam website and you should not spend a cent on it or give it any of your personal data."

That site also has no reviews, a gmail contact email address and a very poor design.

It's "long and rambling" About US page is also said to be a scam warning sign.

The best thing to do is avoid these websites and any adverts, links or popups you see promoting them.
