"Singin' in the Rain" (1952) is still considered a magnum opus in the arsenal of Hollywood musicals some 70 years after its release. The film starred Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, and Donald O'Connor. Given the fact that Rita Moreno had a rich history as a stage performer in various Broadway productions (per Biography), she naturally became an ideal candidate for the character of Zelda Zanders, the heartthrob flapper. (The iconic opening scene featuring her is on YouTube).
The role of Zanders carried a lot of inherent style and grace, so her appearance and wardrobe were meticulously mapped out by Gene Kelly, who also directed, and the film's production team. The lavish dresses and dazzling jewelry were hardly disagreeable adornments, but there was one particular request from Kelly that Rita Moreno simply couldn't oblige, so she did the unthinkable – she said no to Gene Kelly (via Page Six).