Why Leonardo Da Vinci And Michelangelo Couldn't Stand Each Other

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

While they were never rivals to the point where they would fight, it was more like continued mocking and razzing, according to The Guardian. They were rough on each other about the commissions. If they lived in modern times, the two would probably be talking trash to each other on social media. Still, it was more Michelangelo who did the verbal jousting with da Vinci than the other way around. This may have been in part due to the fact that he was much younger than da Vinci, so it may have been his youthfulness that drove him to it. He liked to talk about how slow da Vinci was when it came to projects, and the elder painter gave him fuel by not finishing the painting commission that they were competing on. Raphael, another great artist of the time, was also a frequent target of his scorn and received the same feeling back, according to Roma Experience.  

Per Britannica, Michelangelo was also someone who did not like the company of many people at all. He lived a very, very modest life, and only focused on his art for much of the time. That lack of social interaction may have also made him quite rough around the edges. There was also a good amount of ego involved among all three, and that would heighten any insults or hurt feelings. What might soothe them is that all three of them are remembered today for their greatness in art.
